Know Your Worth.


Not in a man, but in Christ.

Boiii, let me tell you there is a HUGE difference. Seems obvious right? Until you go searching for your worth in every thing/person that’s not your father.. By father I mean heavenly one because not all earthly ones are even present.

You can be present in someones life without your presence actually being there.. by there I mean in the moment with them because you’re thoughts and attention are somewhere else. (this topic alone could be a WHOLE blog itself… I’ll save it for a rainy day)

Wanna know a secret? 

I’ve struggled with this for an insanely long time. I can unfortunately say I’m much better at preaching things to my friends than following through with them myself. I hate making myself vulnerable. Honestly, I’m not sure there’s anything else that terrifies me more than giving my heart, an intimate piece of myself to someone and purely trusting that they won’t abandon it at any given moment. Daddy issues? I dislike that saying though, although a lot of pain and hurt has came from my earthly fathers; my heavenly father will never leave me nor forsake me and that’s truly all that matters.

“You will always attract what you believe you are worth”

Let that sink in for a second… because WOW, tell me that isn’t the most accurate statement you’ve read today.

Your worth doesn’t come from the likes you get on an Instagram post or the amount of money you make every week. You also don’t lose value when the person your into doesn’t feel the same.  The things of this world will eventually reveal what incapable anchors they really are. Your importance in life will never come from the standards the world has for you. The way you perceive yourself is going to be the tone for how everyone else will treat you. You are the Daughter or Son of the King, you deserve soooo much more than you probably give yourself credit for! Love is liberating, don’t settle for anything that makes you feel less. You have to learn that you’ll never be able to unconditionally love anyone…. till you first learn to love yourself. By knowing your worth.. {in humility you can value others above yourself. Phil. 2:3}

You owe it to yourself to be REAL.

God loves you: unconditionally, completely, and eternally.


You are loved unconditionally.. do you realize NO matter what you do God will ALWAYS love you(Preacher moment). LOL. This is seriously crazy because when I think of some of the not so great things I’ve done in my 23yrs of life… I’m ashamed and embarrassed but to realize no matter how much I might mess up, I’m still going to have someone that Loves me completely! That means a total 100%, and forever. Does it get better than that? I think not. Lol. Seriously though!

You should never lower your expectations to fill that void in your heart.. no temporary person will compare to the man/woman God has planned for your life. You are worthy of someone who will pursue you in a Christ like way.. slowly, passionately, and with good intentions.

“You are altogether beautiful my darling; there is no flaw in you. -Song of Songs 4:7”

Your value comes from God.

When you learn to trust his plan over your own, you’ll realize you won’t be sustained by your circumstances but through his unconditional love. When you understand the depths of Gods love, your inward thoughts will turn into outward actions of Love & Appreciation.

These are all things that took me years to realize, I have failed over and over again and I can only imagine how many mistakes are ahead of me. I do know one thing though and that’s MY WORTH. It took a really hard year and a lot of trials to truly discover no matter how hard I tried to fill myself with things of this world, they will ALWAYS disappoint. No temporary thing will ever compare to Gods unfailing love for me.

His love is so pure…  I AM THE DAUGHTER OF THE KING.

Now Currently..

I LOVE being alone. I have control over my own space. Therefore, in order to win me over, your presence has to be better than my Solitude. You’re not competing with another person, you are competing with my comfort zone. – Horacio Jones



19 thoughts on “Know Your Worth.

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  1. Love this post! Can relate in so many ways! Felt like I was reading my own thoughts for a minute… truly inspirational & my favourite quote “You will always attract what you believe you are worth”

    Great blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this! I really needed this today!! Sometimes when you think your life is so hard, you forget that no matter what God is always there and will love you through anything! I also forget to know my worth! It’s so easy to fall into stupid things! Love you girl! Miss you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OH MY GOSH, seeing your name made me so happy! I love youuuu!❤️ Yes girllll, it’s so easy to forget our worth sometimes especially when life gets hard. You are sooo worth it though❤️


  3. An incredible and genuine perspective especially in today’s society. Wonderful stuff!! A God-fearing and God-loving woman is someone that should be sought after in the most Godly ways. I think you found something with this whole blog thing. Keep it up CJ!

    Proverbs 3: 5-6

    Liked by 1 person

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